Forms, Fees and Rates

The German Shepherd Dog Association of Western Australia (Inc) has application forms, with fees and/or rates included, for :

The Application Forms, Fees and Rates currently in use are included below.

To view and print these pdf (portable document format) files, you will need to have Adobe Reader installed on your computer. This is free software and you can download it from the Adobe website :



New Membership Application Form
Renewal of Membership Application Form

Send your completed form to :

The Secretary, GSDA of WA (Inc)

follow the instructions on the form or post to:

23 Passmore Street
SOUTHERN RIVER W.A. 6110 Western Australia


Types of Membership.

Single Membership :Types of Membership.

Any person eighteen (18) years or over shall be eligible for single membership.

Double Membership :

Any person and their spouse or de facto partner shall be eligible for double membership.

Family Membership :

A family Membership shall be for Parent/s and bona fide dependent children up to eighteen (18) years of age, Grandparents and bona fide grandchildren up to eighteen (18) years of age and Official Guardians and children under the guardianship up to eighteen (18) years of age, such children shall be eligible for all the privileges of junior membership.

Junior Membership :

The Association may admit as a Junior Member any person under eighteen (18) years of age, who owns or part owns a German Shepherd Dog, on payment of such subscription as the members at a properly constituted General Meeting shall decide. Junior Members may not hold office nor vote at any General Meeting but may exercise such other privileges as are from time to time decided by the members at a properly constituted General Meeting.

Country Membership :

Any person(s) residing in excess of 50kms from the GPO Perth may be admitted as a country member on payment of such subscription as the members at a properly constituted General Meeting shall decide.

Life Membership:             

The Office Bearers of the Management Committee may, with the consent of a General Meeting, confer Life Membership upon any member in recognition of  valuable service rendered to the Association provided the listed conditions are met (The conditions can be found under 11.7 of the GSDA of WA Domestic Rules)

Honorary Membership :

Any person visiting this state who is a bona fide financial member of any other German Shepherd Association or Club or Council may be made an Honorary member of the Association and shall during such visit be granted all rights and privileges of a member, except the right to hold office or vote at any Association meetings, provided that such membership he limited to eight (8) weeks. (Approval may be granted by any member of the Executive.)

Associate Membership:

Any person may become an Associate Member on payment of such subscription as the members at a properly constituted General Meeting shall decide. The privileges of Associate Membership of the GSDA of WA (Inc) shall consist of the right to attend any General Meeting, as an observer only, and, subject to age constraints, (under eighteen (18) years of age), the right to compete as a junior handler in GSDA of WA (Inc) point score competitions.

GSDCA Breed Survey Scheme

The Breed Survey Scheme is a nationally accredited scheme run by the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia. At a minimum age of eighteen months the dog/bitch is presented to a panel of GSDCA Breed Surveyors who assess the animal not only on its breed worth but also on its character and temperament. During the assessment the dog is gun tested, crowd tested and the dogs reaction to all aspects of the survey observed. Any fault in temperament is an automatic fail no matter how beautiful the animal is. After assessment, providing the dog has the necessary hereditary diseases criteria and has passed the temperament tests, the animal is classified as suitable for breeding and recommendations made as to a suitable mate.

Qualification for Survey :
Any purebred KC registered German Shepherd Dog or Bitch between the age of 18 months and 8 years on the date of the survey.

Object of the Breed Survey :
To promote and offer guidance for the uniform development of the Breed to its inherent working qualities.


Breed Survey Application Form

Breed Survey Application Form

Send your completed Application Form(s) and Payment to the Association’s State Breed Survey Registrar : Ms Leanne Irvine Enquiries : 0409518146 after 16:00 / 4:00 pm.

Submission of Documentation
Documentation and payment may be submitted by one of the following methods:
1. Mail to Leanne Irvine GSDA of WA SBSR, PO Box 5664, Canning Vale South, WA, 6155.
Payment may be made by Cheque, EFT or direct credit to the club bank account WESTPAC BSB # 036 064 ACCOUNT # 400227. If payment is made electronically, please include a copy of your receipt.
2. Email to . Payment may be made by EFT or direct credit to the club bank account WESTPAC BSB # 036 064 ACCOUNT # 400227, please include a copy of your receipt.
3. In Person to Leanne Irvine at the GSDA of WA

Payment may be made by Cash, Cheque, EFT or direct credit to the club bank account WESTPAC BSB # 036 064 ACCOUNT # 400227. If payment is made electronically, please include a copy of your receipt.

The current fee is $43.00 per dog, which includes GST. (Cheques payable to the “GSDA of WA”).

Please ensure that the application for survey is received with all supporting documentation prior to or by mid-day on the Sunday prior to the date of the survey. Posted mail requires extra time to ensure delivery on time.
Please ensure payment is made with the application.
Payment can be made by cash (please DO NOT send cash in the mail), cheque, EFT or direct credit to the club bank account WESTPAC BSB # 036 064 ACCOUNT # 400227
If paying by direct transfer or EFT, please include a copy of your receipt with your application. Application Form(s) and Payment must be received by seven (7) days prior to the scheduled date of the Breed Survey.


GSDCA Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia Scheme

GSDCA Hip Dysplasia Scheme :

At twelve months or older the dog is x-rayed and the plates scored and graded, if the animals hips fall into the normal parameters for breeding the dog is given an ‘A’ Stamp.

GSDCA Elbow Dysplasia Scheme :

This scheme is similar to the hip scheme again if the elbows fall within normal parameters the dog is given a ‘Z’ Stamp.

GSDCA Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Information.


As of 1st July, 2024, the new GSDCA digital Hip and Elbow processes, is live online.

All members are encouraged to use the online system, as it will be of significant advantage.

This is the link to apply for your contracts:

There is also a button on the GSDCA homepage that will take you to it.

Please also remember that from 1.7.2024 the new charges for HD/ED contracts are:

Hip & Elbows =       $77.00

Hips only =               $59.00

Elbows only =         $42.00

If any members require, I can send you a PDF of instructions. It is a straightforward process.

Vicki Beaton GSDAWA Registrar HD/ED




GSDCA Tooth Certificate

Tooth Certificate information is now available on the GSDCA website.

The information is available via the following link:

The GSDCA tooth certificate is the only recognized certificate that can be used for Shows and Breed Survey.

No other form of documentation is accepted.

The Breed Affairs Chairman or President should inform all overseas judges that this is an official certificate and is the only one to be accepted.

The final and only arbitrator and issuer of Certificates shall be the President of the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia.

The required fee as at 1st July 2020 is $40.00.

For a tooth certificate to be issued the following procedure must be met.

For animals not previously breed surveyed:

  1. X-ray proof that a normal, healthy, developed adult tooth existed at a point of time. Certificates will only be issued where a tooth or teeth have been removed or are not visible from above the gum line. The x-ray must be identified radiographically with the dog’s name and GSDCA Tattoo number/Microchip number.

The documentation must be forwarded to the Club Chief Surveyor/Breed Affair Chairman with the required fee.

The onus of proof shall be squarely upon the owner of the dog to prove absolutely beyond all doubt that the said tooth was a normal healthy adult (secondary) tooth.

For animals that have been surveyed:

  1. A copy of the Breed Survey Certificate verifying complete dentition must be forwarded to the Club Chief Surveyor/Breed Affairs Chairman with the required fee.

In both sets of circumstances the Club Chief Surveyor/Breed Affairs Chairman must forward all correspondence and x-rays and the required fee to the NBC Chair of the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia. A letter of recommendation from the Club Chief Surveyor/Breed Affairs Chairman must also accompany the application.

Please note that an animal with damaged/broken teeth do not require a Tooth Certificate as it is only where the tooth is not visible above the gum line.

The Breed Affairs Chairman is only used when there is no Club Chief Surveyor.

For any further information on current certificate requirements contact :

Honorary Secretary:
Anastasia Hope
M 0413 571 186

post to:

23 Passmore Street
SOUTHERN RIVER W.A. 6110 Western Australia

Also, for further information and “PDF format print-out”, refer above to link for “Detailed Breed Survey Scheme Information“.

Breeders Directory

The German Shepherd Dog Association of Western Australia (Inc) is pleased to alphabetically list registered breeders, we ask our breeders to conform to the association’s Recommended Breeding Practices and GSDCA Breed Improvement Schemes with all of their breeding dogs and bitches in their breeding programme.  It is the responsibility of the purchaser to check the puppy they are interested in, complies with our Recommended Breeding Practices.


Magazine Advertising

If you are interested in advertising a business or the arrival of a new dog – $50 per page $25.00 for a half page.

Please submit payment to the Treasurer G.S.D.A. of W.A.(Inc.) BSB 036 064 Account # 400 227 Quoting GSD NEWS Advertising and forward the copy to the

Website Directories and Advertising

If you are interested in advertising a business or the arrival of a new dog on our webpage – $50 per page for a year.

Advertising your kennel or stud dog is free to members of the G.S.D.A. of W.A. (Inc.) contact Stud Dog Registrar on

Please submit payment to the Treasurer G.S.D.A. of W.A.(Inc.) BSB 036 064 Account # 400 227 Quoting Webpage Advertising and forward the copy to the

Trophy Donations

If you are interested in sponsoring a class or trophy for our Conformation Shows or Obedience & Rally O Trials please the committee representative as listed below:

Trials                         Di Webb                      0438 207 734            Email:  

Show                         Lee-Anne Shea        0431 708 061            Email:   

Venue Hire Form