The German Shepherd Dog Association of Western Australia (Inc) strongly suggests that you purchase your new German Shepherd Dog Puppy from a breeder whom has endeavoured to breed to the best available standards and practices. Please refer to the information contained in the Constitution and Rules webpage section entitled Recommended Breeding Practices, and also to the GSDCA Schemes webpage.
We encourage our breeders to comply with the Recommended Breeding Practices and GSDCA Breed Improvement Schemes with all of their breeding males and females in their breeding programme. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to ensure their puppy is bred to those standards.
Recommended Breeding Practices
The German Shepherd Dog Association of Western Australia (Inc) is a member of the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia (GSDCA) (Inc). As such, we have contributed to the development, operation and promotion of those GSDCA Schemes for breed improvement to the German Shepherd Dog as a Breed. Access to these schemes is available in all significant states and territories of Australia.
Those schemes are :
GSDCA Breed Survey Scheme
GSDCA Hip and Elbow Dysplasia Control Scheme
GSDCA Teeth Certificate Scheme
GSDCA Hereditary Diseases Scheme
GSDCA Judges Extension Course
GSDCA National Show and Main Breed Exhibition
GSDCA National Review Magazine
GSDCA CW assessment Application Form
GSDCA Character Working Assessment Manual
GSDCA Breed Survey Scheme
The Breed Survey Scheme is a nationally accredited scheme run by the German Shepherd Dog Council of Australia. At a minimum age of eighteen months the dog/bitch is presented to a panel of GSDCA Breed Surveyors who assess the animal, not only on its anatomical breed worth, but also on its character and temperament.
During the assessment the dog is gun tested, crowd tested and the dogs reaction to all aspects of the survey observed. Any fault in temperament is an automatic fail no matter how beautiful the animal is.
After assessment that the dog/bitch is above average in anatomical breed worth, providing the dog/bitch has the necessary hereditary diseases criteria and has passed the temperament tests, the animal is classified as suitable for breeding and recommendations made as to a suitable mate.
For animals to enter a GSDCA Breed Survey, the following criteria must be adhered to :
- Only entries on the official application form for breed survey GSDCA BS1 will be accepted.
2. The animal must be 18 months of age and not over 8 years of age.
3. The animal must be microchipped and the microchip number identified on the certificate of registration.
4. The animals must be in possession of an ‘A’ stamp for hips and a ‘Z’ stamp for elbows, or passed any other GSDCA approved evaluation scheme for hips and elbows.
5. The relevant paperwork is to be forwarded to the State Registrar prior to the survey date. The paperwork must include the following:
a. the required fee.
b. an ANKC Certified pedigree and certificate of ownership.
c. Copies of the ‘A’ and ‘Z’ stamp results/certificate.
d. Five generation pedigree.
e. A coloured photograph is be submitted on the day of the breed survey. Or a photograph can be posted or emailed to the NBC Chairperson within 7 days of the Breed Survey.
f. For all imported animals a copy of the letter received from the National Breed Commission Chairman/GSDCA Title Verification Officer that details and any titles have been verified.
g. All relevant original documentation (pedigree, hip and elbow results/certificate etc) is to be brought to the survey and shown to the BREED SURVEYOR.
Please Note: Dogs which are listed on the Limited Registrar cannot be accepted for breed survey.
Animals which cannot fulfil the requirements and display any of the following must be denied classification :-
- Are not anatomically above the breed average.
• The measurement recorded is more than 67cms for dogs and 62cms for bitches.
• The measurement recorded is less than 60cms for dogs and 55cms for bitches.
• May have no more missing teeth than the following :
missing only premolar 1 or molar 4.
missing two only premolar 1s or one only Premolar 2.
missing one only Premolar 1 plus one only incisor.
• Overshot or undershot mouths.
The condition of an overshot mouth is deemed to occur when the incisors of the upper jaw protrude a distance of two (2)mm or more from the incisors of the lower jaw.
• Soft non-erect ears
• One sided or double sided cryptorchidism or uneven or undeveloped testicles.
• .Long double coat. Long coat without undercoat.
• Fail the gun test.
• Show trepidation, are overly suspicious, apprehensive, wary, visually fearful or are aggressive without provocation.
• Albino characteristics (i.e. lack of pigmentation and with pink noses, near whites or with near white coats, even with black noses, or dark eyes or dark nails).
Any animal that has been deemed to have failed breed survey on two separate occasions for the same reason shall not be eligible to present to breed survey on any future occasion.
The loss of teeth through accident, or mechanical means provided they are attested to by a GSDCA Certificate shall be counted as though they are present and considered as such when making a classification for either class.
No other form of documentation shall be accepted.
(Refer to attached procedure for GSDCA Tooth Certificates).
Verification of Documentation for all Imported Animals Prior to Entry to the GSDCA National Breed Survey Scheme (as at July 2005).
Forward to the National Breed Commission Chairman details of animals imported into Australia.
It is requested that owners of newly imported dogs and bitches provide the Breed Commission Chairman with a copy of pedigree and any relevant information (1996).
Titles / classification to be verified for imported animals include :
- Microchip number.
• Pass in a GSDCA approved evaluation scheme for hips and elbows.
• Previous breed survey classification in a GSDCA recognised Breed Survey Scheme.
Procedure to follow for imported animals to participate in breed survey (as at July 2005).
Any animal with a recognised imported title/classification as detailed above prior to entry into GSDCA Breed Survey Scheme provide the following documentation to the National Breed Commission Chairman/GSDCA Title Verification Officer :
- A title verification form is issued by the National Breed Commission Chairman/GSDCA Title Verification Officer to the owner of the said animal.
2. The completed title verification form is returned to National Breed Commission Chairman/GSDCA Title Verification Officer with a copy of the overseas pedigree and a copy of any titles or breed survey classifications.
3. The National Breed Commission Chairman/GSDCA Title Verification Officer shall verify the required information per the SV Breed Survey Books or Genetics Disc, SV database etc.
4. The National Breed Commission Chairman/GSDCA Title Verification Officer will notify in writing the owner of the imported animal that the titles have been verified and a copy of the letter included with the application for breed survey.
Should any discrepancy arise then the SV or controlling body is contacted and any additional fees incurred by this Council shall be the responsibility of the owner of the said animal.
GSDCA Hip Dysplasia (HD) and Elbow Dysplasia (ED) Control Scheme.
GSDCA HD/ED Control Scheme: Breeders and Owners Please note
Please ensure that your veterinarian is aware of this requirement, as documented on the GSDCA HD/ED
Control Scheme Application form under “Advice to Veterinarian” which reads as follows:-
“Computer Radiography Generated Images (Digital X-rays):
For computer radiography generated images (digital x-rays) to be accepted by the GSDCA Hip Dysplasia
and Elbow Dysplasia Control Scheme, the images must be of a high quality and saved as DICOM
Images. (i.e. .dcm extension)”
GSDCA Hip Dysplasia and Elbow Dysplasia Scheme
GSDCA Hip Dysplasia Scheme:
At twelve months or older the dog is x-rayed, and the digital x-rays are scored and graded by a German Shepherd National Council approved Specialist Radiologist. If the animal’s hips fall into the normal parameters deemed suitable for breeding, the dog is given an ‘A’ Stamp.
GSDCA Elbow Dysplasia Scheme:
This scheme is similar to the hip scheme. If the elbows fall within the normal parameters deemed suitable for breeding, the dog is given a ‘Z’ Stamp.
The GSDCA Hip/Elbow Dysplasia Scheme is now an online process. To apply for a contract number to have your dog assessed, please follow the instructions in the link below: –
NB: it is important that you don’t book your dog into your vet for x-rays until you have received your contract via the website.
GSDCA Tooth Certificate Scheme
GSDCA Tooth Certificates :
The GSDCA tooth certificate is the only recognized certificate that can be used for Shows and Breed Survey.
No other form of documentation is accepted.
The Breed Affairs Chairman or President should inform all overseas judges that this is an official certificate and is the only one to be accepted.
Certificate information is now available on the GSDCA website. The information is available via the following link:
GSDCA Judges Extension Course
GSDCA National Show and Main Breed Exhibition
GSDCA National Review Magazine
Honorary Secretary:
Anastasia Hope
Mobile: 0413 571 186